Why Do I Need Anti-Wax Fuel Additives?
Why Do We Get Wax In Our Tank?
Wax often occurs naturally in fuel due to the presence of Paraffin, a waxy substance that helps with the lubrication of fuel. When temperatures drop, this substance can crystallise as the molecules merge together to form visible wax particles which is where problems may start to occur.
The Signs of Wax
Although wax contamination is not always visible to the naked eye, there are multiple observable symptoms that you can look out for:
- Difficulty Starting: Wax contamination can restrict the flow of fuel through an engine due to it clogging fuel lines, injectors and filters, making engine ignition harder.
- Poor Engine Performance: A buildup of wax can have an affect on the fuel-air mixture, reducing the overall performance of your fuel.
- Smoke or Exhaust Issues: As wax affects the fuel quality, it can have issues with how it is burning which can therefore lead to much more smoke from the exhaust.
Why Is Wax Contamination An Issue?
A presence of wax in your fuel can cause a number of operational and performance issues, which can often be costly to resolve.
Although Paraffin is normally great for improving viscosity and lubrication, once solidified it can block diesel filters and prevent the flow of fuel. This contamination of wax can cause fuel line and filter blockages which can then begin to damage engines and cause them to break down.
What Can We Do To Prevent/Stop It?
To avoid wax contamination, we recommend regular maintenance and fuel treatments. These can also help to ensure optimal fuel quality, helping engines to run better for longer. By checking your fuel regularly and knowing the signs of wax contamination, you can help to create any wax-related issues, as well as any other fuel and engine issues to a minimum.
Our Anti-Wax additive is formulated to improve the cold flow and handling properties of diesel and gas oil. This product boosts the fuel’s resistance to waxing by inhibiting the formation of wax crystals and working with maximum allowable FAME contents. This additive allows the fuel to operate at colder temperatures than its specification, reducing the potential for filter plugging.
Get in touch with us today on 01743 761415 or send us an email to sales@fastexocet.co.uk to talk to a specialist.