The Challenge of Fuel Sustainability
One of the biggest challenges today for large companies with commercial fleets or that store fuel is how to do run their business sustainably, but without it drastically increasing their costs. This struggle has risen as a result of the emissions produced from many fuels harming the environments that we live in and by many of our fuel sources, such as fossil fuels, running out. One way of improving sustainability is by improving the sustainability of the fuel we use.
exocet® strive to find solutions that improve the performance of customers vehicles and fuel storage, while reducing the running costs and harmful emissions produced. This is done by our team working with you to understand what fuels are being used. After this is established, we then try to find fuel alternatives or develop methods that can improve the fuel performance by reducing the harm it has on the components within the system before and after the combustion process.
There are many alternatives from standard fuel, such as biodiesel, ethanol, and bioethanol. However, whilst these have a reduced emission output compared to most other fuels, these can bring their own problems. These problems begin with the simple fact that not all vehicles are adapted to be compatible with these fuels, meaning that should you use these in your vehicles then a system failure is likely and will lead to greater cost for repair. This is due to the fuels corroding the components prematurely in the system and when storing due to unintended results, including diesel-bug, which occurs due to water content within the fuels allowing bacterium to exist and gradually create a sludge in the fluid that renders the system less efficient and damage the components. This results in higher maintenance and purchase costs to fix the systems, therefore not being as sustainable as first thought.
exocet® do produce fuel-additives that can tackle such issues, but they also have an alternative approach. They have fuel solutions that can improve efficiency, through improved performance, with the use of conventional components that have proven sustainable benefits.
There are many benefits to using sustainable fuels in a wide range of vehicles and sectors, from agriculture to power generation. All these sectors use vehicles and are likely to store fuel for periods of time meaning that the following benefits of fuel sustainability will apply to them:
- Reduced emissions,
- Lower fuel consumption,
- Less maintenance required,
- Keeps the engine running for longer,
- Extended equipment life,
- Easier to source,
- Renewable, meaning the fuel source itself is more sustainable.
Best Practices
Using catalytic converters, improved fuels and new telematics to enable fleet efficiency are just some of the ways that sustainability of fuel and components can be maintained. The telematics can reduce fuel consumption by ensuring the most fuel-efficient route is taken and the catalytic converters and improved fuels can increase fuel efficiency and ensure that there is minimal corrosion of components.
If you would like to know more about how you can improve your sustainability get in touch with our specialist team today by calling 01743 761415 or email